Articles on World Cup

Music Nurses, midwives demand govt action amid overwhelming challenges

Music Public urged to make use of health centres
Bridget Nsimenta . 2024-09-09 07:45:11
Public urged to make use of health centres

Music Preeclampsia: An urgent maternal health concern in Uganda
Bridget Nsimenta . 2024-09-01 10:11:28
Preeclampsia: An urgent maternal health concern in Uganda

Music Insurance crucial to closing healthcare funding gap, say experts

Music Heroes In Health Awards To Celebrate Excellence in Uganda's Health Sector
Elizabeth Tendo . 2024-06-27 14:22:09
Heroes In Health Awards To Celebrate Excellence in Uganda's Health Sector
Heroes In Health Awards To Celebrate Excellence in Uganda's Health Sector

The HIHA awards recognize and celebrate exceptional contributions to the health sector, honouring individuals, organizations, and initiatives that have significantly improved health and wellness in Uganda. The launch event underscored the importance of recognizing the tireless efforts of health professionals and community health workers, particularly in the face of recent health sector challenges.