IGAD Executive Secretary Congratulates Somalia on Election to UN Security Council

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IGAD Executive Secretary Congratulates Somalia on Election to UN Security Council
Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (left) has condemned the port deal between Ethiopia and Somaliland

Why IGAD Congratulated the Federal Republic of Somalia on its recent United Nations Security Council election!

This momentous achievement marks a significant milestone in Somalia’s ongoing journey towards enhanced governance, stability, and international diplomacy.

In a statement released by IGAD, the Executive Secretary Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu praised Somalia's progress and resilience.

“This remarkable achievement reflects Somalia's significant strides in governance, stability, and international diplomacy. It is a testament to the resilience and dedication of the Somali people and their leadership in contributing to global peace and security,” said Dr. Workneh.

Somalia's election to the UN Security Council is not only a recognition of its national progress but also an acknowledgement of its potential to contribute meaningfully to international peace and security.

Dr. Workneh highlighted the unique perspective that Somalia brings to the table, rooted in its rich history and recent experiences.

“IGAD is confident that the Federal Republic of Somalia will bring a unique and valuable perspective to the Security Council, drawing from its rich history and recent experiences,” Dr Workneh added.

The Security Council, one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, is tasked with maintaining international peace and security.

Somalia's involvement in this critical body is expected to enhance its role on the global stage, enabling it to engage actively in addressing pressing international issues.

Dr. Workneh emphasized IGAD's anticipation of Somalia's proactive role in the Security Council.

“We look forward to Somalia's active engagement in addressing global challenges and promoting international peace and cooperation,” he stated. This active engagement is anticipated to foster deeper collaboration and dialogue among nations, furthering the cause of global peace and stability.

The election of Somalia to the Security Council comes at a time when the country is undergoing significant transformation.

Over the past decade, Somalia has made considerable efforts to rebuild its political and economic institutions, despite facing numerous challenges. This election serves as a validation of these efforts and a beacon of hope for continued progress. In addition to IGAD’s congratulatory message, this development has been met with widespread acclaim from various international bodies and member states.

The election is viewed as a step forward not just for Somalia but for the region as a whole, underscoring the importance of regional cooperation and unity in achieving shared goals.

Somalia’s tenure in the Security Council will undoubtedly be closely watched by both regional and international observers.

The country’s leaders have expressed their commitment to leveraging this platform to advocate for issues that are critical to Somalia and the broader region, including peacebuilding, security, and development.

As Somalia embarks on this new chapter, the support and collaboration of international partners, including IGAD, will be crucial. The shared objective remains clear: to foster an environment of peace, security, and prosperity for all nations.

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