Three habits you need to quickly deal with to live your dream



One of the surest ways of moving forward is acknowledging and acting on what is keeping you behind. It’s when you deal with the world’s most challenging habits that you will avoid the world’s biggest mistakes and failures. What I’m about to share with you are the most common habits that the top successful people I’ve met dealt with to achieve the kind of successes they have now. Well, great men learn from their own mistakes while greater ones learn from other people’s mistakes. So whether you fall short in any of these habits or not, all the same you need to watch out for them. So here is what you need avoid;

This is an act of putting off what could be done today until tomorrow. It’s a habit you need to do away with immediately because most opportunities knock once. When such opportunities come your way and you reschedule them, there are higher chances that they won’t be accomplished at a later time. This leads to unfulfilled lives you are I don’t want to live. The best way of handling procrastination is by focusing on ‘now’. This helps you to gather all your energy into the present because focusing on the past splits up your energy hence making it hard for you to accomplish your present tasks. Another sure way of dealing with this habit is by blocking time wasters for example social media, unnecessary calls and cheap talk. This can be done by putting them away until the day’s tasks or targets are hit. This will enable you to focus and work on what matters most. By the end of the day, you will live the life you want knowing that your daily goals have been met.

This keeps you from taking risks involved in getting some things done. Fear makes putting something away until tomorrow the only option. But you need to realize that when you put off or postpone a problem for example, you won’t have solved it. One of the ways to handle fear is by embracing reality which enables you to make moves regardless of what’s happening. Besides, you can talk to someone who has successfully walked the path you dread taking. This equips you with the tricks and tips such people used. As such, you will be able to step up knowing that someone else has done exactly what you are trying to do. It will also give you the necessary tools you need along the journey.

This is a dangerous tendency because it typically leads to frustration when we notice imperfection in us. As humans, we can’t go beyond our inbuilt potential and hence the need not to beat ourselves up whenever we err from what’s perfect. Our focus ought to be doing what’s right and not what’s perfect. Acknowledging that you are prone to doing wrong will lift some weight off your shoulders. And this propels you to move forward to your set goals. As long as you are making progress, it’s reason enough to celebrate because life is not about perfection, but progress.

Having noticed the three habits, endeavor to work on one for a month or as long as you can let go of it. Also, work on a habit at a time. This needs quite some time because the same process it takes for habits to be developed is the same process it takes to break them; in both instances, it requires time. Once you are done with the habits, you will realize that it’s much easier to live the life you’ve always desired than ever before. Go forth; you deserve to achieve your dreams.

The writer is statistician at Success Africa

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