Crime preventers return into the political fold ahead of 2021 polls


The National Crime Preventers’ Forum (NCPF) that had retreated from the scene is being revived to mobilise for President Yoweri Museveni ahead of the January 2021 election, the Nile Post has learnt.

However, the group still led by  Blaise Kamugisha has now been placed under the President's brother Gen.Salim Saleh who is also the chief coordinator of his 2021 campaigns as the group's patron.

"The president has given them instruction to embark on the campaign, under the political leadership of Capt. Mike Mukula and the military leadership of the commander of reserve forces, Lt.Gen Otema.Saleh will be the patron of the outfit,"a source told the Nile Post.

The rejuvenated crime preventers through its structures and the Mayumba kumi model will be instrumental in canvassing votes for the NRM by playing a supportive role to the ruling party structures.

"This will extend to the voting day to ensure voters turn out to vote in large numbers for NRM without fear of intimidation. Those that cannot reach the polling station will be supported to reach," the source said added.

The crime preventers according to the source will also used as a voter protection force for the ruling party and to do this, the group will deploy at least 10 men at each polling station.

Speaking at s meeting held with the group on Monday at Grand Global Hotel, Gen.Otema Awany, the commander of Reserve Forces under which the falls, urged the crime preventers to be the eyes and ears of security in the forthcoming election.

Addressing the crime preventers

"In the constitution of this country, everybody is expected to ensure that there is peace in the country. So when we are called upon like today, it’s to prepare you and prepare the mindset of Ugandans that we want peace,"Otema said.

"We need you to be the eyes of the government."

He urgedthem to report ant deeds in their areas to security for action to be taken.

The Monday afternoon meeting was also attended by Mukula.

The crime preventers who were initially under the Uganda Police Force were last year put under the leadership of the UPDF and especially under the reserve force, Lt Gen Charles Otema Awany.

Museveni last year said the crime preventers are a reserve force composed of those people who have responsibilities at home like married woman and men whom he said cannot be taken away from their families but rather trained to help detect crime in their respective areas.

“These cannot go away from their families for a long time but can undergo simple training like for a week and later return to their respective areas to help fight crime,”Museveni said.

He added that the second category is the reserve force that works with the army and is applied in times of war.

“These should be mainly young people without responsibility and take them for training to become the reserve. They can return and receive half-pay as a reserve force.”

He, however, noted that government cannot afford to pay crime preventers who are over 12 million but noted they can be helped financially so they can get out of poverty.

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