Agago North rejects age limit bill

Virtually all the voters in Agago North who attended consultative meetings convened by their MP, Prof Morris Ogenga Latigo said article 102 (b) should not be amended.

Latigo who held meetings in all the six sub counties in the constituency told The Nile Post that 5,847 voters out of 5,899 people voted against the scrapping of the presidential age limit cap.

This translates into an overwhelming 99.2%.

Latigo carried out the meetings between October 27 and October 31st.

Latigo said he had used the Shs 29 million given to MPs for facilitation to convene these meetings.

“Before these meetings begin, you have to ensure the presence of our local brew at the venue,  therefore money was spent that way. I even have the accountability sheet for it. I gave Shs 500,000 to every parish” Latigo told the NilePost.



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