Uganda pushes for human resource capacity building to support regional integration

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Uganda pushes for human resource capacity building to support regional integration
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Ambassador Richard Kabonero, who is Uganda’s national coordinator for the Northern Corridor Integration Projects has emphasized the need building human resource capacity to foster East African integration.

Given the importance of human resource building capacity in propelling the advancement of critical regional projects and therefore opening up our corridor to greater prosperity, it is not only right but also proper to revitalize the Northern Corridor Integration Projects Spirit,” Kabonero said.

He was on Thursday speaking during the opening session of the Permanent Secretaries meeting of the Human Resource Capacity Building Regional Cluster Meeting at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Nairobi, Kenya.

Kabonero who is leading Uganda’s delegation emphasized the urgent need to enhance capacity building in member states and the need to create green pastures for exchange policies in all sectors of the NCIP in member states.

“I wish to reiterate that the government of Uganda’s  will continue to support the full operationalization of the five centres of excellence as well as full removal of both tuition and non-tuition barriers,” he said.

Dr.Esther Muoria, the Principal Secretary for the State Department for technical vocational education and training said the meeting is meant to review the implementation status of the 14th heads of states summit directives on human resource capacity build to track progress and update the implementation matrix ahead of the 15th Northern Corridor Integration Projects(NCIP) heads of state summit.

She said  NCIP was designed to generate political goodwill in the four countries implementing the projects identified by the heads of states of the four partner States.

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