War Veterans: Uganda’s Long-Term Challenge as NRM Government Faces Unfulfilled Promises After 35 Years

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War Veterans: Uganda’s Long-Term Challenge as NRM Government Faces Unfulfilled Promises After 35 Years
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As Uganda celebrates 35 years under the leadership of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), a growing issue has come to the forefront: the unfulfilled demands of war veterans. These men and women, who were instrumental in bringing President Yoweri Museveni to power in 1986, remain a poignant symbol of the country’s lingering struggles with political promises and economic development.

Historical Context

The NRM, led by Museveni, rose to power following a protracted guerrilla war. Veterans from this conflict, often revered as the architects of Uganda’s current political landscape, were promised numerous benefits, including financial compensation, medical care, housing, and education for their children. These promises were seen not just as rewards, but as essential support systems for those who had sacrificed significantly for the country’s stability and progress.

Current Reality

Three and a half decades later, many of these promises remain unfulfilled. Veterans have repeatedly expressed their frustrations through protests and public appeals, highlighting their deteriorating living conditions and the lack of adequate government support. While some veterans receive pensions, many argue that the payments are inconsistent and insufficient to cover their basic needs.

The issue is exacerbated by the aging veteran population, whose health care needs are becoming more urgent and costlier. Veterans like John Okello, 65, who served in the Bush War, now struggle with chronic health issues and lack the financial means to seek proper medical treatment. “We were promised a lot, but now we are forgotten. Many of my comrades are dying in poverty,” Okello laments.

Government Response

The Ugandan government acknowledges the veterans' grievances but cites financial constraints and bureaucratic hurdles as the main reasons for the delays. In various speeches, President Museveni has reiterated his commitment to fulfilling the promises made to the veterans. In 2021, the government launched the Veterans’ Assistance Fund, aimed at addressing some of these issues. However, critics argue that the fund is insufficient and poorly managed.

Economic Implications

The unresolved plight of war veterans poses significant economic and social challenges for Uganda. Veterans and their families, numbering in the tens of thousands, represent a considerable portion of the population struggling with poverty. The lack of support undermines their ability to contribute economically and perpetuates a cycle of poverty that affects their descendants.

Moreover, the discontent among veterans can potentially destabilize the political landscape. With increasing frustrations, veterans' groups have occasionally aligned with opposition movements, posing a challenge to the NRM’s political dominance. This unrest among veterans not only threatens social cohesion but also impacts investor confidence, as political stability is a key factor for economic growth.

Looking Forward

Addressing the needs of war veterans requires a multifaceted approach. Financial compensation and healthcare provision are immediate necessities. However, long-term solutions should also focus on integrating veterans into the broader economic framework through vocational training and employment opportunities.

Veterans advocate Peter Kato suggests a more decentralized approach. “Local governments should have more authority and resources to support veterans in their regions. This would ensure that help is more targeted and effective,” he proposes.

For Uganda to truly honor the sacrifices of its war veterans, a renewed commitment and strategic plan are essential. The NRM government faces a critical juncture: addressing these longstanding issues could not only bring justice to the veterans but also strengthen the nation’s social and economic fabric.


As Uganda looks back on 35 years of NRM rule, the unfulfilled promises to war veterans serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges facing the country. The government’s ability to effectively address these issues will be a significant indicator of its commitment to its citizens and the legacy of those who fought for Uganda’s future.

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