FDC: "Fall of Kabul to Taliban offers lessons to Uganda"

The fall of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan to the Taliban, must serve as a lesson for all countries including Uganda that are engaged in costly foreign missions, the Forum for Democratic Change(FDC) has said.

Speaking during a news conference, Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, the FDC spokesperson said those who escorted America to Afghanistan have been left embarrassed by the chaos in Afghanistan that the US withdrawal has caused.

"The very people (terrorists) that America and allies went to fight in Afghanistan are now working hand in hand with them. As a country we must not pride ourselves in occupying or helping the occupation of other countries," he said.

Following the fall of Kabul, the US has asked a number of countries to help it accommodate thousands of Afghans it is evacuating from Afghanistan including Uganda as they process them for their final journey to America.

Many countries such as UAE, Qatar and Germany have accepted to help America by hosting these refugees.

Ssemujju said as FDC they sympathise with thousands of Afghans who have endured war for the last six decades because their country has been turned into a ground for proxy wars by international powers.

"We would therefore be willing to offer them any assistance so they live a happy life including hosting them in our country. We will only demand that all necessary health/Covid-19 protocols are followed and their settlement or hosting is in line with international refugee conventions," he said.



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