DP tasks government to explain source of money to be given to the vulnerable 

The Democratic Party (DP) has tasked the government to explain from which vote the money meant to be disbursed to the vulnerable groups of people will be appropriated, arguing that the money was never budgeted for in the just passed Sh44 trillion national budget.

The remarks came shortly after the newly appointed Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja said that due to the inefficiencies witnessed in distribution of food in the March 2020 lockdown, they have reverted to the cash transfer system to the targeted vulnerable groups in the Kampala Metropolitan area.

Addressing the media at DP offices, Richard Lumu, the DP deputy legal advisor said that by knowing the source of funding, the number of people to benefit, how much will be advanced to each individual and when this money will  be sent to them, the country shall guard against the misuse of public resources.

"Before this system is rolled out, we would like the government to explain to us from which vote the money is going to be reallocated because this money was never budgeted for in the just passed Sh44 trillion national budget," said Lumu.

He noted that Ugandans ought to know which mechanisms have been put in place to ensure that this money doesn’t end up benefiting just a few individuals in government and how equitably it will be disbursed to all Ugandans.

"We would also want to call upon the government to institute a state of emergency as enshrined in the Constitution to among others give the state the legroom to turn all private hospitals and health centres into government facilities handling Covid-19," he said.

He stated that this will be a step in the right direction when it comes to checking the exorbitant prices that these private health facilities are charging Covid-19 patients adding that there have been media reports that some hospitals are charging as high as Shs 5 million per day per Covid-19 patient.

"How many Ugandans can afford that amount of money? This means that if the government doesn’t rein in these hospitals to control such prices by taking them over, several Ugandans that might catch Covid-19 are going to end up in vulnerable situations where they can’t pay and end up dying," he said.




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