Tooro Kingdom Speaker resigns, accuses King of mismanaging resources

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The speaker of Tooro Supreme Council Rwigi Mr Saul Mugasa has resigned from his role citing irreconcilable differences and mismanagement by Kingdom's head, Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV.

In his letter dated 3rd May 2021, Mugasa says after having served for the kingdom in various capacities, for 22 years, his conscience dictated that this was the right time to lay down his tools.

Saul Mugasa who has resigned

Tooro‘s Minister of Information, Charles Mwanguhya told Nile Post, he is aware of Mugasa’s resignation adding he believed King Oyo is grateful for Mugasa’s contribution to the kingdom during his long-term service.

“I think the thing is, after serving the king and kingdom for 22 years, I know as the kingdom and I believe the king is grateful for Mugasa’s contribution to the kingdom over a 22- year period. That’s not a short time to serve an institution.”

Among the reasons Mugasa cited out for his resignation includes the ‘lack of transparency’ by the king in managing the Kindom’s finances, property and finances.

Mugasa claimed that  King Oyo misused the shillings 2 billion compensation government paid out to the kingdom for his own personal uses.

“These assets and compensation are for the people of Tooro hence are meant to be seen to benefit the people. I request a committee of stakeholders urgently be set-up to consult the people of Tooro on their views regarding the management of the returned assets and compensation” Mugasa recommended in his letter.

However, Mwanguhya denied having knowledge about these accusations made against the king.

“I am not aware. He should describe that himself. He must have evidence to pin the king for such a crime,” Mwanguhya said.

Mugasa also accuses King Oyo’s administration of failure to respect the arms of the kingdom. “The kingdom arms are the Orukurato Orukuru headed by the Rwigi and the cabinet headed by the Omuhikirwa. For all the years I have served in the kingdom, many of your people especially regents and the palace establishment, always undermined the role of those arms”.

He says they kept on hoping that when King Oyo comes of age, he would reverse the trend but says that hasn’t been the case.

Mugasa also cited irreconcilable differences within the kingdom especially among the clan members. He said these divisions affect the stability of the kingdom and king's reign.

He noted, “Your Majesty, the religious leaders report of reconciling warring factions in the kingdom (by Prince Kijanangoma by then) dated 9th December, 2015, had good recommendations but was neglected. I request you to to pick a leaf from it.”

Mugasa urged King Oyo to initiate efforts that unite the people of Tooro through their kingdom they cherish and love.

Mwanguhya acknowledged Mugasa’s recommendations made in the letter and said any advice towards betterment of the Kingdom is and should be welcomed.

“And any advice intended to make the kingdom better is and should be worked on as an advice,” Mwanguhya asserted.

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