Miss D's List: Leave that madness in 2023

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Miss D's List: Leave that madness in 2023
Relationships should not be a fight

First things first, if you are not circumcised please either stick to one woman or wrap it up. You are busy spreading STIs from one woman to another and your main won't complain because well, they are cheating too.

Now that that is out of the way, 2023 has been a very sexual year. We have seen more sex tapes, more public sexual acts, and things that are so private have found their way to the public.

That sort of nonsense should stop in 2023. Threatening to leak someone’s nudes or pictures they shared during a private moment should just stop. Screen recording private moments shared on video should stop. There will never be enjoyment of sex as long as people don't trust enough.

Stop giving transport money to women in appreciation for sex. Let women stop looking at sex as a way of making their lives better. If she wants to be with you she should find her way to you. If you are to give any money, it should come days after and for a specific reason but not transport. You have cheapened sex.

Missionary should stop being your cum style. Find another style or leave issues of the Generals to Generals. You can't have a signature sex style. We have more than 200 sex styles to explore. How many of those did you try in 2023?

Relationships that drain you financially and emotionally should stay in 2023. You have no business dating if you are not financially stable. Especially as a woman. Stop watering down the goodness that comes with sex by attaching a price to it.

Sex is a two-way street. Put in as much effort as the other person puts in. There is no monopoly on who should be on top at whatever point when the act is going on. It's okay to flip him over with one hand and give it to him like he has never known.

Stop leading people on! Not sure why people do this but both parties end up being hurt. Don't drag someone on if you know you don't want to give them some. There are enough people in the world, someone will give them. Stop the false hope.

Don't get sick. It will soon be 2024, if someone tests positive for anything sexually transmitted they should get a beating with their results. Unless they didn't know what was happening or were forced, get tested before you get something more than cum.

If your sex life is not it but you still need the relationship, think about opening it up. Trust me it is easier when everyone is getting some. Things will get done when you cum.

Let's make 2024 better in the bedroom. We are already going through very hard economic times.

Till next time, a very happy new year!

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