Ramadhan Tip: Parents should make “Dua” for their children during this holy month

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The parent-child relationship is held in such high esteem that it is mentioned over and over throughout the Quran.

Allah tells parents that none of their sacrifices, pain and efforts put into raising their children will be in vain.

A Muslim scholar, Sheikh Yasin Kiweewa, said it is very important for the Muslim parents to use this holy month of Ramadhan and make dua (supplication) for their children.

“We have produced children with many issues. Others have all kinds of diseases such as diabetes among others but the only solution for this is supplication. Prophet Ibrahim prayed for his son. He handed over his children in the hand of Allah,” he said.

Kiweewa said that parents’ dua are instantly answered more especially during this Ramadhan, adding that there are many children who are roaming around in the streets without jobs while others have all kinds of problems. And this he said can only be solved through supplication.

The most important thing parents can do is to pray for their children and trust in Allah, and they can see many examples of this in the Qur’an and sunnah.

Three duas will not be rejected by Allah: the dua’ of the traveler, the dua’ of one who is fasting, and the dua’ of a parent for his child, according to one of the traditions (Hadith).

According to scholars’ dua is the weapon of the believer. Praying for your children is also an essential responsibility of being a Muslim parent. After all, in addition to putting your best efforts into their upbringing, you rely upon Allah’s mercy in realising your hopes and aspirations for your children.

The importance of a parent’s dua for their children cannot be overstated as its value is reflected in several places in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

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