Ugandan and DR Congo Authorities Step Up Efforts to Tackle Cross-Border Crime

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Ugandan and DR Congo Authorities Step Up Efforts to Tackle Cross-Border Crime
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Ugandan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) authorities have pledged to strengthen their collaboration in combating cross-border crime. This commitment emerged from a recent bilateral security meeting held at the Aru Territorial Headquarters in Ituri Province, DRC.

The meeting brought together high-level representatives from both nations, including military, police, and customs officials, as well as representatives from the business community. The Administrator of Aru Territory, Col. Richard Mbambi Kingana Kita Banulu, emphasized the importance of local solutions for local problems.

While acknowledging progress in improving the cross-border situation, the Congolese delegation raised concerns about:

  • Harassment of Congolese citizens by Ugandan customs and security personnel
  • Use of motorcycles without proper registration
  • Specific incidents like the assassination of Mr. Lumuri Jackson near the border

The Ugandan delegation, led by Mr. Ichogor Charles, reaffirmed their commitment to peaceful coexistence according to the principles of the East African Community (EAC) and Pan-Africanism. They emphasized the historical ties between the two countries and stressed the importance of continued dialogue and cooperation to maintain peace.

Both delegations also raised concerns from their respective perspectives, including:

  • Mistreatment of Ugandan citizens in DRC
  • Border crossing violations
  • Theft incidents
  • Need for clear border demarcation

The meeting resulted in several key recommendations:

  • Enhanced vigilance: Both sides agreed to improve border security and information sharing.
  • Regular meetings: Bi-lateral meetings will be held every three months, with the next one scheduled for June 28th, 2024, in Arua City, Uganda.
  • Vehicle return: To demonstrate their commitment, Ugandan authorities returned a stolen vehicle to the DRC, urging reciprocity for stolen Ugandan vehicles in the DRC.

This collaborative effort signifies a positive step towards addressing cross-border challenges and fostering a safer environment for both Ugandan and Congolese citizens.

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