Articles on World Cup

Music Optimizing Brain Health: A Pathway to Greater Well-Being, Says WHO
Jamila Mulindwa . 2024-06-20 10:47:08
Optimizing Brain Health: A Pathway to Greater Well-Being, Says WHO
Optimizing Brain Health: A Pathway to Greater Well-Being, Says WHO

Several determinants influence brain health, including physical health, healthy environments, safety and security, lifelong learning, and social connections. Access to quality services also plays a pivotal role in how our brains develop, adapt, and respond to stress and adversity. The WHO underscores the importance of addressing these determinants to promote and prevent brain health issues throughout the life course.

Music Brain Aneurysms: Understanding and Treating a Silent Threat
Jamila Mulindwa . 2024-06-20 10:39:58
Brain Aneurysms: Understanding and Treating a Silent Threat
Brain Aneurysms: Understanding and Treating a Silent Threat

A brain aneurysm occurs when a weakened blood vessel in the brain fills with blood and balloons out. While some aneurysms remain small and stable, others can grow and eventually rupture, leading to a hemorrhagic stroke. The exact cause of aneurysms is not fully understood, but several factors can contribute to their development, including high blood pressure, smoking, genetic predisposition, and head trauma.

Music Civilian Deaths in Ukraine Are Increasing Once Again
Nakayenze Priscilla . 2024-06-14 11:56:00
Civilian Deaths in Ukraine Are Increasing Once Again

Music Brainchild BCW launches Burson
Kenneth Kazibwe . 2024-06-14 06:57:06
Brainchild BCW launches Burson

Music Ugandan Cadets Commissioned, Poised to Defend Nation and Region
BillClinton Nuwahereza . 2024-06-05 12:59:45
Ugandan Cadets Commissioned, Poised to Defend Nation and Region

Music Maj Gen Bakasumba Lauds French Training Assistance to UPDF
BillClinton Nuwahereza . 2024-05-16 17:08:01
Maj Gen Bakasumba Lauds French Training Assistance to UPDF

Music Should the dumping of garbage in the drainage be attributed to bad mindset?