New community hall to promote Karamojong culture

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New community hall to promote Karamojong culture
Artefact inside the community hall

Activists have launched a community hall at Ateker Cultural Centre in Moroto District to protect and promote the rich cultural heritage of the Karamojong and the larger Ateker cluster.

"The Ateker Cultural Center is a hub for cultural preservation and promotion, offering a platform for our community to learn, share, and showcase their rich cultural heritage," Hannah Longole, director of Ateker Cultural Centre, said.

The centre will provide training and resources for youth, women, and elders to equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary to preserve and promote their cultural traditions.

"Karamoja cultural heritage is at risk of being lost due to modernisation and urbanisation.

The Ateker Cultural Centre seeks to address this issue by providing a space for our community to preserve and promote the cultural heritage," Jackson Angella, a Karamojong elder, told Nile Post.

The community hall was constructed with funding from GFA, one of the leading European consulting firms active in the development cooperation sector.

"Apart from promoting the rich cultural heritage, and the unique Karamojong music and dance, we will also use the center to empower women and girls to realize their full potential," Iris Berfelo, a psychosocial counsellor said

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