MoH, Care International ramp up training to fight malnutrition In Karamoja

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MoH, Care International ramp up training to fight malnutrition In Karamoja
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The Ministry of Health, in Partnership with Care International under the CASCADE programme has completed a three-day nutrition training aimed at equipping participants with knowledge and skills to improve nutrition outcomes in Karamoja.

"The participants including caregivers, farmers groups, extension workers, Village Health Team, Parish Chiefs, and elders were encouraged to grow vegetables in their backyard to increase access to nutritious food, Judith Chalei, a nutrition hub manager at Care International, said.

"The participants were also trained on how to identify malnutrition using Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) tapes."

According to reports, many families in Karamoja rely on just one meal a day, leaving them vulnerable to malnutrition.

The lack of diverse and nutritious food options has led to high prevalence of stunting, wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies. Children under the age of five particularly are the most affected.

Elder Odong Martin, who spoke during the meeting, pledged to take the campaign against malnutrition to the villages, emphasizing the need for collective action to address the issue.

The training is part of a broader effort to address the root causes of malnutrition in Karamoja, where poverty, food insecurity, and limited access to healthcare have contributed to high levels of malnutrition among children.

"We need to fight the root causes of malnutrition in Karamoja. If this is not done, our people will continue to suffer consequences of malnutrition," Paul Lomokol, one of the participants, said during the training.

The consequences of malnutrition in Karamoja are dire. Malnutrition impairs physical and mental development, weakens immune systems, and increases the risk of illnesses and death.

It also perpetuates a cycle of poverty as individuals and families are unable to reach their full potential due to poor health and limited productivity.

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