Abim boss demands immediate action to tame rampaging elephants

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Abim boss demands immediate action to tame rampaging elephants
Unpredictable and a deadly

Abim boss Jonny Dewest Ariko has called for immediate intervention from Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) to address the rampant elephant attacks in the district.

Ariko, a legal expert, strongly criticised UWA for their inaction and lack of coordination with local leaders regarding compensation for victims' families.

"We cannot sit idly by while these animals continue to wreak havoc on our community," Ariko said.

The district chairman was speaking at the burial of Denis Ongok, who was trampled to death by an elephant.

"UWA must take responsibility and act swiftly to contain these stray animals and ensure the safety of our people." he added

In recent months, nine deadly elephant attacks have been reported in Abim District, originating from Kidepo Valley National Park.

These incidents have not only resulted in loss of life but have also devastated crops, leaving residents in a state of fear and uncertainty.

Ariko highlighted the community's frustration with the lack of current data on the issue and UWA's failure to compensate the affected families despite timely submission of compensation forms.

"The human-wildlife coexistence theory is not a viable solution for us," Ariko declared.

"We need concrete actions, not theories. UWA must step up and fulfill their obligations under the Uganda Wildlife Act of 2019." he added

The Uganda Wildlife Act of 2019 mandates UWA to monitor and control problem animals and support local governments in managing wildlife.

It also outlines grounds for compensation, including bodily injury, death, or property damage caused by wild animals. Ariko's call to action underscores the community's urgent need for justice and protection.

As the people of Abim mourn the loss of Denis Ongok and pray for the recovery of another victim in critical condition at Abim Hospital, they hope that UWA will finally take decisive steps to address the crisis.

"Enough is enough," Ariko concluded. "The people of Abim deserve justice and protection from these rampaging elephants. UWA must act now."

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