FDC Kasese Chapter unfazed by party strife

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By Fahad Masereka

With the 2026 general elections on the horizon, political parties are gearing up for internal processes, yet the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) in Kasese district finds itself amidst internal conflicts.

Despite these challenges, the party leadership remains resolute in their determination to retain strong voter support.

Kabuku Ronald, the FDC boss in Kasese district, exuded confidence in the party's ability to weather the storm, asserting,

"The disagreements will not cause any obstacles in our path."

However, looming questions remain regarding the impact of internal factions on voter sentiment.

Amidst rumors of the Katonga faction's intentions to form an independent political party, Ronald Kabuku dismisses the notion, emphasizing that a mere change of name is insufficient to challenge the current regime.

He advocated for unity within the party, suggesting that forgiveness must be embraced as a tool in the struggle for political change.

Despite differing opinions within the party ranks, the Kasese FDC chapter remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing the interests of the electorate.

However, skeptics argue that the explanations for internal divisions may pose challenges for voters to reconcile, potentially affecting electoral outcomes.

While the party leadership projects confidence, the true test lies in whether they can navigate internal strife and emerge stronger, ensuring that their voter base remains steadfast amidst the turbulence of party politics.

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