PM Nabbanja asks Masaka RDC to account for relief iron sheets

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PM Nabbanja asks Masaka RDC to account for relief iron sheets
RDC Teopista Lule Ssenkungu and Prime minister Robina Nabbanja at Mr.Samula Karizanto's residency.

Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has stirred controversy in Masaka district after demanding explanations from the Resident District Commissioner Teopista Lule Ssekungu regarding the distribution of iron sheets meant for storm-affected residents.

The issue has sparked concerns over transparency and efficiency in government relief efforts.

The saga began when it was discovered that some residents, including 89-year-old Samula Kirizanto and his wife Teopista Samula, received significantly fewer iron sheets than originally promised.

The couple, residents of Kasolo village in Kyantale parish, had their home damaged by a storm at the end of 2021 and were slated to receive 26 iron sheets according to the agreement between Prime Minister Robina Nabbanja and RDC Ssekungu.

However, they only received eight sheets, leaving their house vulnerable and unrepaired.

In a tense exchange, Nabbanja expressed disappointment, questioning RDC Ssekungu's management of the distribution process.

"Where have you put the iron sheets? It has been nearly three years, and Mr. Kirizanto has not used them because you gave him less than agreed. You were supposed to provide enough for him to rebuild his house, but now they are sitting unused," Nabbanja said during the confrontation.

Nabbanja criticized what she perceived as a lack of transparency and efficiency in the relief efforts, accusing local leaders of failing to properly execute government plans.

"You are the ones criticizing the government for not supporting its people, yet you cannot ensure that resources reach those who need them," she asserted.

In defense, RDC Ssekungu explained that she had to prioritize distribution among several  affected households, leading to a shortage in the number of sheets delivered to each recipient.

"I had to divide the available resources among many people who were affected by the storm. We were expecting more phases of distribution to cover everyone adequately," Ssekungu clarified.

However, Nabbanja was adamant that such explanations were not satisfactory, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability and proper allocation of resources.

"This incident shows that many people who received these iron sheets have not used them because they received insufficient quantities," she said.

The elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kirizanto, expressed their distress over the situation, especially during rainy nights when their makeshift repairs fail to protect them.

"We wake up in fear because the house leaks whenever it rains. We have tried to fix it with nails, but it's not holding up," they said, pleading for government intervention to rebuild their home.

Nabbanja later turned to RDC Ssenkungu and said, “now you see Mr.Kirizanto is sick and look at the house she sleeps in. What you have done it not good and you have done nothing because you lacked proper planning.”

As tensions mount over the unresolved distribution issue, residents of Masaka district await further action from government authorities to rectify the situation and ensure that all storm-affected families receive adequate support.

The controversy underscores broader concerns about the effectiveness of disaster response mechanisms and the need for improved coordination and oversight in relief operations across Uganda.

For now, the community remains hopeful for a swift resolution to alleviate the plight of those still struggling to recover from the devastation caused by the storm.

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