Censure motion: Ssekikubo confident of securing remaining 12 signatures

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Censure motion: Ssekikubo confident of securing remaining 12 signatures
Theodore Ssekikubo

Lwemiyaga County MP, Theodore Ssekikubo, has disclosed that the censure motion against commissioners involved in the controversial allocation of Shs1.7 billion for service pay is lacking only 12 signatures.

On Friday, Ssekikubo said his team had managed to gather 164 signatures out of the required 176, three weeks since the process began.

The legislator made the revelation on Friday while updating journalists at Parliament on the progress of the censure motion.

Ssekikubo is leading efforts to collect signatures for the censure motion against former Leader of the Opposition, Mathias Mpuuga, and three other former backbench commissioners - Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central), Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman), and Prossy Mbabazi (Rubanda Woman) implicated in the controversial service pay.

The four aforementioned individuals are accused of sharing Shs1.7 billion under the guise of service pay, despite having served for less than a year in their roles.

Ssekikubo disclosed that while he had intended to submit the censure notice to the Clerk to Parliament on June 17, 2024, the process has been paused until 12 more MPs sign the motion.

Despite this delay, Ssekikubo expressed confidence that they will secure the remaining 12 signatures by early next week, as the signature collection is gaining momentum.

“We hope to resume this on Monday when we shall be having the full details and by 164, we are falling short of 12 signatures. We do hope that by Monday, we should have finalized on this question, you can be sure. We had wanted that by Monday we should have issued a notice to the Speaker, but for now, we can’t do so and we are agreeable with our colleagues,” said Ssekikubo.

He stated that early next week, they will issue a notice to the Speaker through the Clerk to Parliament, so that the matter can be placed on the order paper within the 14 days as per the parliamentary procedure.

Ssekikubo urged the Speaker not to wait for the full 14 days, emphasizing the importance of promptly addressing the issue of corruption.

“But we would request and urge the Speaker, not to wait for the 14 days, our patience is running out. This is too much, we want to finish this matter immediately. The fight against corruption must be seen by the public, not dilly dallying,” Ssekikubo emphasised.

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