Activists demand relocation of Malaba dumping site

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Activists demand relocation of Malaba dumping site
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Environmental ectivists have asked the Malaba Town Council leadership to relocate the current garbage dumping site outside the town area if garbage is to be properly managed.

They say town dwellers have since taken advantage of the site location to litter garbage something that has left the border town choke on uncollected tons of garbage.

Garbage management in the border town of Malaba, has been one of the many obstacles to the town's development.

Out of the 7 tonnes of garbage generated daily, about 4 tonnes are collected by the contracted town council company.

This has not only left the border town littered but also left several drainage channels blocked, causing flooding of the town whenever it rains.

This unbearable situation has since left the busiest border town in dilemma. To the town council authorities, inadequate equipment coupled with meager funds are to blame for the poor garbage disposal in town.

" The town council has got only two trucks to manage garbage which are ever down. This is worsened by the low local revenue generated. So, timely collecting of garbage is a challenge," Boniface Obbo, principal health inspector at Malaba Town Council, said.

Much as the town council authorities decry financial constraints, the business community says the poor garbage disposal has greatly affected their business.

"Whenever it rains the entire town gets flooded with water. This in most cases ends up destroying our goods," said Peter Oduso, one of the vendors.

However, the Local Council one chairperson, Godfrey Delo, faults vendors for the stench.

"Most of the garbage is generated by vendors. You find them throwing wastes allover the place including drainage channels," Mr Delo said.

A group of environmental activists have teamed up to create awareness about the poor garbage disposal in the border town. These cleaned up the town streets including blocked drainage channels, collecting tons of garbage.

"Poor garbage disposal in Malaba is so serious. If we don't do something, the situation will soon get out of hand. I appeal to Malaba population, the town council authority and government to do something," said Sister Prudence Nankunda, medical missioner.

The group that was overwhelmed by the garbage situation, suggests that the current dumping site be relocated.

"We can't have a dumping site just next to the the main market. This is what is encouraging vendors to continue throwing garbage anyhow," Prosper Arineitwe, senior immigration officer, added.

With poor garbage disposal said to be one of the causes of air pollution which can lead to various respiratory diseases together with other adverse health effects, the activists are calling for urgent attention.

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