Ugandans urged to get titles on their land to avoid grabbers

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Ugandans urged to get titles on their land to avoid grabbers
18.March.2021 A lady looking at her Land Title. Photo by Ismail Kezaala

Members of Parliament are concerned that the problems associated with the increasing land grabbing the country are nothing to do with  the existing land laws but the corruption and immunity amongst some greedy Ugandans.

Speaking at the high-level symposium on land governance, the MPs including Sarah Opendi of Tororo, Yusuf Mutembuli of Bunyole East, Jackie Amongin of Eala, Margaret Ayebare of Mbarara district among others,  advised   government to consider sensitizing the communities that will help them protect their land from the greedy land grabbers.

The high level symposium on land governance was conducted at Parliament with legislators asking Ugandans to consider titling their land if the issues of land grabbing are to be addressed.

"You might find that majority of us here have land that have no titles waiting for the grabbers to come  and we start crying foul. Everything one in this room must know that there are land grabbers are outside there and they are very ready to grab which ever land that they come across," Mbarara Woman MP Margaret Ayebare said.

"We need to pray for Africa, we are killing ourselves over resources that we found. We were created and found ourselves to this earth but instead of somebody focusing on what they have, there are people who want to own the whole of Uganda," Sarah Opendi said.

The MPs are also tasking the implementers to consider sensitizing the communities on the importance of protecting their land.

This is in addition to respecting the women rights in owning land.

The MPs also raised the issue of the increasing immunity and corruption that they say is responsible for the increasing land grabbing in Uganda.

"We have a problem of impunity and  because the law enforcement is selective, people do what ever they want in this country."

"I need to be educated what happens to those countries where land belongs to government and not individuals, do we have the same conflicts? I need to understand."

Milton Muwuma who represented the Deputy Speaker  said he is concerned with the rapidly growing population which makes  safeguarding of  land rights in Uganda a  challenge.


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