NUP admits lobbying for UK sanctions

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NUP admits lobbying for UK sanctions
Speaker Anita Among and former ministers Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu are sanctioned

The opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) claims they had a contribution in the sanctioning of the speaker of parliament Anita Among and two other former cabinet ministers Mary Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu by the UK government over allegations of corruption.

NUP principal Robert Kyagulanyi, who has been in and out of the UK, claims that he and other forces of change have been making routine reports on corruption in parliament and in regards to the stolen relief iron sheets.

Speaker Among was sanctioned alongside Kitutu and Nadutu following their alleged mismanagement of  the Karamoja iron sheets.

It’s such intervention by the UK government that Mr Kyagulanyi has claimed responsibility.

“Yes, these are fruits of our engagement and other change loving Ugandans. so many are pushing such interventions not only by the UK but the entire international community. we are glad that now the international community is biting,” Kyagulanyi said.

The official document published by the UK government on Tuesday, April 30, indicated that “Anita Annet Among whilst Speaker of Parliament of Uganda and Member of Parliament for Bukedea District, is or has been responsible for or engaged in serious corruption."

The two lawmakers Nadutu and Kitutu are still in court over alleged stealing of Karamoja iron sheets.

Ms Among and the two others have reacted to the sanction, claiming they have been sanctioned due to having a hand in the anti – LGBTQ law, an excuse Mr Kyagulanyi says should be disregarded.

“That is a lie, the public should disregard such claims by the implicated leader that they are aimed over the anti-gay law. If that was the case, the mover of the motion Asuman Basalirwa would be equally sanctioned,” Kyagulanyi said.

The opposition leader's prayers are that the west also intervenes in the question of their missing persons.

Mr Kyagulanyi said: “We have petitioned most international organisations over the missing persons who were abducted during the just concluded 2021 elections, we hope the executives are put into account."

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