The Love Scotch Affair takes over Thrones Lounge

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The Love Scotch Affair takes over Thrones Lounge
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Uganda Breweries Limited (UBL) on Friday hosted the Love Scotch Affair at Thrones, ensuring it was an unforgettable night for all attendees.

The atmosphere at Thrones was exceptional, offering a wide variety of high-quality whiskies for everyone's taste. The event featured popular brands like Johnnie Walker Red, Blue, Singleton, Black & White, J&B, and VAT 69.

Kampala's elite were treated like royalty with perfect service and exquisite drinks and food. The Love Scotch Affair was a memorable experience, filled with fun and excitement for all guests.

Head of Scotch and Reserve at UBL, Christine Kyokunda, expressed her excitement about the event, highlighting the aim of providing whisky enthusiasts with a premium scotch experience.

"With the Love Scotch Affair, we want our consumers to enjoy their whisky in the best way that suits every pallet; with friends, in a great environment, and with big vibes," she said.

"Tonight was a movie. For those who missed out, worry not, the Love Scotch Affair is on all the way till end of July. We are taking this amazing experience to more hangouts, and we have a big surprise planned for all attendees, so stay tuned!" she added.

The Love Scotch Affair campaign, launched recently, aims to offer a unique and enjoyable whisky experience to fans of the spirit.

The campaign will continue to visit various bars in the city, with Meley Impala, Legends, and Nexus (this Saturday) as the next destinations on the list.

The following week, Molecule, X-Hub, and Olives will be hosting the Love Scotch Affair before culminating in a big event at La Venti on June 23.

According to the organisers, access to the Love Affair experiences is open to everyone.

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