Nile Post's Lawrence Mushabe gets the Joy of Nayebare

Nile Post's Lawrence Mushabe gets the Joy of Nayebare
Lawrence Mushabe and his Joy Nayebare

Nile Post and NBS reporter Lawrence Mushabe is living double joy, one for exchanging marital vows with his beloved Joy Nayebare and the other for the joy it.

The couple's wedding ceremony took place at the All Saints Church in Mbarara on May 14, marking the beginning of their lifelong journey together.

Mushabe, from Isingiro, and Kyotera-bred Nayebare united their destinies in a heartfelt ceremony that brought together two families and communities.

The picturesque village of Mbaare Bukanga, nestled in the scenic Isingiro District, served as the backdrop for this momentous occasion.

Mushabe expressed his immense joy and excitement at finding a life partner to share his dreams and aspirations with.

"Of course, I feel happy and excited for having gotten someone to stay with for the rest of my life," he shared with a beaming smile.

However, Mushabe acknowledged that the journey ahead would not be without its challenges.

Balancing his responsibilities as a husband and a writer, he stay focused as he starts life in own family.

With determination and dedication, Mushabe is prepared to embrace this new chapter in his life while upholding his professional commitments.

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