Sorry state of Kabale abattoir worries butchers

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Sorry state of Kabale abattoir worries butchers
The current abattoir in Kabale

Butchers in Kabale municipality are concerned over the state of Kabale main abattoir where animals are slaughtered before being distributed to various butchers.

The abattoir is located in Rushabya cell Kirigime ward in southern division of Kabale Municipality.

Flex Murungi, the chairman Kabale abattoir said that  before the construction of Kabale central market, they were operating in a better abattoir but noted that ever since their relocation to the current abattoir, the situation has worsened.

He said  the unhygienic condition in which the animals are being slaughtered worries them as meat sellers.

Murungi calls on the municipal council authorities to rectify the problem.

“We are soon contracting diseases because of the state of this facility. The facility is small, we face challenges in access to clean water,” Murungi states.

Other butchers operating from the abattoir who that they are conducting business in a dirty environment, citing lack of water and poor drainage system as their biggest challenges.

They further add that they the place in which the abattoir is not the best, urging authorities shift the facility.

“The truth is that this is not the right location the abattoir should be. They should use the available land, construct for us a better facility. We pay a lot of money in terms of taxes, we don’t see why we still operating in such environment."

In response Eric Sunday the deputy town clerk says that in this financial year Kabale municipal council has secured funds to work on the abattoir.

Sunday adds that the construction process has already kicked off adding that they are hopeful that before close of July they will be done with the construction works.

In January 2020, Kabale municipal council authorities relocated butchers to a new abattoir  to pave way for the construction of the current Kabale central market.

It is this new abattoir that butchers are complaining about.

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