Bunyoro Muslims warned against reckless talk

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Bunyoro Muslims warned against reckless talk
Muslims during Eid players at Hoima Booma grounds

By Alan Mwesigwa

The Bunyoro Tooro regional kadhi Sheik Hussein Galibu has asked Muslims to desist from  reckless speech that might land them into trouble.

During the Eid prayers at Hoima Booma grounds this morning, Sheikh  Galibu asked Muslims to be careful with what they speak, noting that   many have lost jobs, marriages while others have ended in detention because of failure to use their tongues responsibly.

"I  urge you to  please be careful with what you say. Responsible speaking earns respect but also makes you  avoid a lot of things. We have  a lot of our brothers who have been arrested because of their tongues. There are a lot of domestic violence  cases because of rekcless talk," he said.

He also  called for unity among the Muslims .

"Let's avoid disunity. I know there are a lot of issues about the Muslim leadership, but Allah guided us to follow our leaders.Our  leader is Sheikh Mubaje as a mufti, but also let's also use this period to forgive our colleagues who wronged us. Look for them, hug them and say it's time for unity. We need to  unite as Muslims if we are to be strong."

He also urged Muslims to take advantage of the various government programs like Parish Development Model and Emyooga.

"Allah asked us to work hard so that we can change this world for better. I therefore implore you my brothers and sisters to embrace these government programs aimed at transforming people so that you people can improve your living conditions. Let us  work hard and use the prevailing conducive environment brought by this government led by Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to get better."

As the main preacher of the day, sheikh Akram Mahango, a senior preacher at Hoima town mosque emphasized the need to stop reckless talk.

"Normally you find women speaking and speaking especially about their fellows, but  do you know that can fail to get blessings Allah! What  makes matters worse is that even the educated will find time to talk about issues that don't matter," Sheik Mahango said.

He used the same platform to appreciate the government for the freedom of worship and the continued support  to religious institutions saying this is a sign of a government that loves its citizens.

"When you have  a government like NRM that gives freedom of worship, you need to support it the more, because had it been so restrictive where would we be now, and remember we need God so much now that the world is full of sinners."

The Hoima City resident city commissioner , Badru Mugabi reminded people of the new program of planting of trees as the country continues to suffer with climate change effects.

"We all can acknowledge what we are going through as a country, season changes resulting for our human behaviour of destroying nature. As Muslims I want to implore you to plant trees at mosques, offices, in your homes, schools so that we improve nature. For your information, government is providing these tree seedlings for free, just go to NFA offices and request for them and they will be availed."


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