Eroding faith: Why Ugandans are losing trust in political parties

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Eroding faith: Why Ugandans are losing trust in political parties
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A growing number of Ugandans are expressing disillusionment with the country's political parties, citing broken promises, corruption, and a disconnect from the people's needs.

This trend has sparked concerns about the future of democracy in Uganda.

According to a recent survey, over 60% of Ugandans feel that political parties are out of touch with their concerns, while 70% believe that parties are more interested in power than serving the people. These sentiments are echoed in conversations with citizens from various walks of life.

"Politicians only remember us during elections," said Jane Nambatya, a market vendor. "Once they're in power, they forget their promises and focus on enriching themselves."

Corruption is another major factor contributing to the erosion of trust. Numerous scandals involving high-ranking party officials have left many feeling cynical about the political process.

"The parties are all the same - they prioritize their own interests over the nation's," said Dr. James Okello, a university lecturer. "Until we have genuine leadership that puts the people first, we'll continue to struggle."

The perceived failure of political parties to address pressing issues like unemployment, healthcare, and education has further fueled discontent. Many feel that parties are more focused on maintaining power than delivering meaningful change.

"This government has been in power for decades, yet our lives haven't improved," said Abdul Kiyimba, a young entrepreneur. "It's time for a new generation of leaders who understand our needs."

As Ugandans lose faith in political parties, concerns arise about the implications for democracy. Will this disillusionment lead to widespread disengagement from the political process, or will it spark a new wave of activism and reform?

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