Ekanya on FDC unity as Tororo demands Besigye back

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Ekanya on FDC unity as Tororo demands Besigye back
MP Godrey Ekanya faces FDC members in Tororo | David Ochieng

Tororo County North member of Parliament Geoffrey Ekanya has been tasked by his electorate to convince his counterparts at Najjanankumbi to reconcile with the Katonga faction if the party is to remain strong in the district.

The group insists that the current party division won't leave the FDC party the same. This as the legislator started mobilization for the party in Tororo District, beginning with his constituency ahead of 2026 elections.

Through his campaign dubbed "Food Security First", Ekanya has in the past months spared weekends to distribute hoes to his electorates in order to boost food production.

So far, out of the 31 parishes in his constituency, 16 parishes have received over 17,500 hoes, of the targeted 35,000.

The strategy that has seen locals gather in hundreds in different sites, is not only aimed at giving back to the community but also a move to mobilize for the party, ahead of the 2026 polls.

But with the party currently having divisions, there are fears among the party members that the split will cost FDC.

"Some of us came to know FDC party because of Dr Kizza Besigye. I personally got recruited the day he came for campaigns here in Tororo. So, not having him may force some of us out," Patrick Omaset, one of the party members, said.

Ekanya, however, refuted this claims confirming that with their presence, the party will instead increase on its support in the district.

"I can assure you the FDC support is going to grow because people now know that the party is in good hands. I am the treasury-general, their son from the East, Amuriat is the party president and another son of theirs Nandala Mafabi is the secretary general. So, the party will grow but we need to mobilise aggressively," he said.

However, much as the party treasurer believes all is well, to a section of party members in the district, it's high time some party leaders stop hiding in the party to serve their personal interests, tasking the Tororo county legislator to cause reconciliation in the party.

"FDC has not been a one man's show. In Tororo here, some of us have sacrificed a lot for the party with our little resources without support from the party president even during the time of Dr Besigye, General Muntu or current Amuriat," Mr Fred Emojong said.

About reconciling the two factions, Ekanya revealed that the move is already up and that it's just a matter of time.

"We're pursuing that but it must be objective reconciliation. We hope we can still work together with Dr Besigye to build the party because it doesn't make sense running away from the party when in trouble. Dr Besigye ran away from NRM because of a problem, he can't run away from FDC to another party, what if he gets another problem in that party where will he run again?" Ekanya said.

Although a section of party leaders are optimistic that all is well, it's still too early to tell whether the leaders can walk the reconciliation talk, from the time they split over the alleged dirty money.

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