
142,000 S.6 candidates start UACE exams

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142,000 S.6 candidates start UACE exams
Candidates at a school in Tororo prepare to write their exams | David Ochieng

A total of 142, 009 candidates have today kicked off their final Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education(UACE) exams today allover the country.

UNEB spokesperson, Jenifer Kalule said the exams are the last set in the series of this year’s four examinations dubbed 4Es.

“ The candidates  have started writing their papers this morning, with the arts candidates writing History paper 3 and 4, while the science candidates are writing principal mathematics, paper 1,” Kalule said.

According to UNEB, the 142, 009 candidates who registered for the examination, are more than the 10,569  candidates who registered last year which represents a 22.1% increase.

The exams are being written from 2,634 centres.

Figures show that  35,661 candidates (25.1%) are government sponsored under the  Universal Post Level Education and Training (UPOLET) Program, compared to the 24,679 last year.

A total of 106,348 candidates are privately sponsored.

In terms of gender, 61,968 (43.6%) candidates  are females while 80,041 (56.4%) are males.

UNEB says it has deployed 991 contracted professionals to oversee the examination, along with 470 security personnel.

The UNEB spokesperson said the exams will also run under the theme, 'Embracing security and holistic assessment of learners in a dynamic environment.’

She  said the UACE exams come on the backdrop of a successful completion of Primary Leaving Examinations whereas S.4 candidates too, are soon completing the UCE exams later this month.

“We are also happy to report that the pioneer assessment for the new lower secondary curriculum ended successfully throughout the country. By and large, we have had a smooth conduct so far, with no major challenges. The few glitches that have been there with regard to malpractice have reported to police and are being effectively managed,” she said.


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