Promoted SFC officers decorated in Entebbe

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Promoted SFC officers decorated in Entebbe
SFC commande, Brig David Mugisha(R) decorates Lt Col Godson Magara Turyakira at Entebbe on Monday.

Special Forces Command officers and militants who were recently promoted have been decorated at a colourful function held at the SFC headquarters in Entebbe.

Speaking during the decoration ceremony, the SFC commander, Brig Gen David Mugisha hailed President Museveni for his role in shaping and guiding the UPDF to metamorphose from  the National Resistance Army.

“The efficiency, dynamism, versatility, competency, reliability, productivity, pro-people nature and ability to secure and safeguard Uganda and East Africa is President Museveni’s philosophy,” the SFC commander said.

He also hailed the UPDF leadership led by the Chief of Defence Forces for the constant support to SFC.

Brig Mugisha also hailed the Senior Presidential Advisor on Special Operations, Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba for the role he played in the formation of the Special Forces Command.

“You started the SFC by establishing the airborne unit, commandos ….to the current Special Forces Command which has conducted different missions in different countries including Somalia, Central African Republic, South Sudan and DRC. Your efforts in establishment of the current Special Forces Command are highly appreciated.”

The decorated

The SFC commander implored the promoted officers to use their new ranks to ensure peace and stability of the country.

“Fight against subversive tendencies like corruption, cheap popularity, gambling, rumour mongering and all forms of sectarianism and any other bad practice that may injure the name of the UPDF and Special Forces Command," Brig Gen Mugisha urged.

Some of the promoted officers pose for a group photo with the SFC commander and other directors.

"Please promote revolutionary methods of work, accept open criticism, reflect on the bigger picture of leadership and respect each other. Stay focused, patriotic, reliable and respectful to government. Live within your means. Never be swayed by negative forces.”

The function was also attended by the deputy SFC commander, Brig Charity Bainababo and the various directors, senior officers, junior officers and militants in the Special Forces Command.

President Museveni on January, 30, 2024 in his capacity as the commander in chief exercised powers vested in him under article 98 clause (1) of the 1995 constitution of the Republic of Uganda; and section 20 sub section(3)  (d) of the UPDF Act No 7 of 2005 to promoted a  number of UPDF officers to various ranks ranging from Captain to Brigadier General.


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