Moses Bonde: Mitooma musician stings MP over service award

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Moses Bonde: Mitooma musician stings MP over service award
Moses Bonde has stung Rubanda District Woman MP Prossy Mbabazi in a song

Embattled Commissioners of Parliament facing censure over the contentious service award bonanza definitely want to see the end of people talking about their woes but a singer in Kigezi has instead raised the decibel by recording a song about it.

Moses Bonde is not a stranger to political songs in his native Mitooma District and his 'Rubanda Kirikubi' resonates with the electorate in Rubanda where woman MP Prossy Mbabazi appears to be battling to keep her head above the murky political waters.

Rubanda Kirikubi is Runyankore for "Rubanda is badly off" and Bonde sings about the controversial service award and Bonde touches right into the sentiment of the Rubanda people who have been incensed that Ms Mbabazi could involve in such corruption at the expense of the taxpayer.

Bonde is a resident of Nyabambare Village, Kabira Sub-county in Mitooma District's Ruhinda South constituency.

The 45-year-old husband of six with 22 children started his singing in 2013 and is popular every election period.

Bonde said he moved to compose the song to put out a powerful voice against corruption by reflecting the voters' anger and frustration over the wasteful use of resources.

“We are tired of corrupt officials and yet President Museveni has made a lot of noise about corruption. I will continue to fight corruption through my songs,” Bonde says.

The people of Rubanda have been up in arms an have previously protested calling for District Woman MP Prossy Mbabazi's head.

After months of total silence against the backdrop of agitated electorate, Ms Mbabazi last week appeared to mend fences, telling the constituents that she had indeed received the money but that she had given it all out to women groups.

But in the song, Bonde emphasises the disparity between the apparent wealth of the commissioners and the dire needs of the district.

In a song on behalf of voters, Bonde laments that what happens if the allocated funds were directed towards different social amenities such as provision of essential services like improving access to clean water and providing adequate healthcare, including ambulances to save lives, especially of pregnant women.

“I am surprised to see money being stolen yet there is no medicine in the hospitals, mothers continue to die in the hospitals and roads are not worked on," he said.

"We are the ones that pay taxi and yet we continue suffering in the hands of corrupt officials.”

Bonde told the Nile Post that he has received so many threats through phone calls from unknown people but he says such as been the reactions to his critical art in the past too.

After the release of the song, MP Mbabazi was seen in one of the WhatsApp groups of Kigezi calming that someone had paid Bonde to sing the song.

“I was not paid by anyone, rather I first saw the information on social media and later I was forced to gather information," said. "I sing songs of truth."

Some of the songs Bonde has previously include 'Kahonda, Bakomire owenki' (why did they arrest Kahonda?)

He also gained mileage with 'Mzee Ohumure'  (President Museveni should retire) and 'Okutura nomuntu muriomuhondano, kwobwe onguma weka' (To stay with a person while in a misunderstanding, better you stay alone).

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