Unicef launches nutrition comic book for primary school pupils


The United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) has unveiled a nutrition comic book for pupils in primary schools to emphasise the importance of good nutrition to development of children.

Speaking at launch of the book in Kampala, Dr Munir Safieldin, the Unicef country representative, said good nourishment during childhood pays dividends throughout the life cycle of individual citizens and their nations.

Well-nourished children, he said, stand better chances for physical, mental, and cognitive development, are more attentive in schools, have good school attendance rates, have better immunity against illnesses, and have high economic productive during their adulthood.

"On the other hand, malnourished children who experience stunting fall behind their well-nourished peers in many ways. They are often late in developing the ability to sit, stand, and walk; they suffer from poorer cognitive abilities; they often have poor school and learning performance. They are more likely to repeat grades; they often miss on school days due to illness; and are at a high risk of dropping out of school," Safieldin said.

He said schools are central to the development of nations and individual citizens.

"Schools and teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and behaviors of future generations," he said.

The Nutrition Comic Book, funded with support from the European Union, is an entertaining and child-friendly tool that also comes with an animated video for interactive learning in the classroom.

The book is available in English and in six (6) local languages to facilitate the broadest audience possible among young learners.



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