NRM mobiliser stabbed to death by wife

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NRM mobiliser stabbed to death by wife
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MUKONO | Popular National Resistance Movement (NRM) mobiliser James Nsubuga, commonly known as Jamila Nera Nera, was killed by his wife three days ago, police and local leaders have said.

Nsubuga died following a domestic dispute with his wife Ruth Musimenta telling a crowd at the home in Katikamu Village in Nama Subcounty that she had stabbed him to death over a domestic misunderstanding.

A crowd gathered at the home on Monday evening, and Nsubuga’s body was still in blood clot on the bed.

Ms Musimenta confessed at the scene that she had been with the body since Friday night - the day Nsubuga went missing.

She said she killed her husband three days ago in a disagreement. She further said that they first fought and she overpowered him and she stabbed him twice in the neck.

“We had issues at home, Nsubuga wanted to sell the house without my consent," she saud.

"He told me that he had huge debts and that security was witch-hunting him over several cases."

Nsubuga was killed during a domestic dispute

Police spokesperson Fred Enanga said in a statement on Tuesday that crime intelligence officers processed the scene and recovered the murder weapon - a knife.

Mr Enanga said police had been tipped off about a murder when the suspect was trying to bury the body in a shallow grave near the pit-latrine.

The Nile Post has established that on Friday last week, Ms Musimenta took her two children to a friend's home and lied that she and the husband were going out for a trip.

Detectives now suspect she needed space to alone with Nsubuga as part of her premeditated murder plans.

Residents who preferred anonymity in order to speak freely said Ms Musimenta is a security operative attached to Special Forces Command.

The Nile Post could not independently verify these claims but Mr Enanga said police had recovered two pairs of military boots and a toy postil.

However, he said these belonged to the deceased.

The residents said the suspect is a "nonsense woman" who has been poisoning dogs in the area.

Mr Patrick Nyongesa, the village defence secretary, said the suspect had hired handheld to dig a hole that turned out the would-be grave.

“She hired two men to dig the hole for Shs100,000, later she offered them Shs5 million to bury the body at night but the men became suspicious and reported the matter to me and I went to police,” said Nyongesa.

The deceased was a prominent NRM supporter in Mukono where he ran the so-called NRM task force Nera Nera, a pressure group with which he canvassed support for the ruling party.

The suspect is currently held at Mukono Central Police Station for further investigation.

However, SFC said they dont have anyone under the said name in their records.

"In  our records, we do not have any member in the names of Ruth Musimenta. We shall work closely with police to get the real identity of the person in question. The Police will unearth the details and inform the public accordingly," Maj Jimmy Omara, the SFC spokesperson said.

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