Petroleum authority urges Kikuube dealers to register with national supply data base

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Petroleum authority urges Kikuube dealers to register with national supply data base
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The Petroleum Authority of Uganda has advised dealers Kikuube Kistrict and across Bunyoro to register their companies with the national supply data base to benefit from oil and gas opportunities.

Mr Sam Mugisa, the social affairs coordinator at the petroleum authority said when you register your company, it builds the reputation.

"You get known, trusted, but it becomes easy to get connections for job opportunities compared to those operating just limited to Kikuube," he said.

Mugisa, who was addressing various companies and individuals in Kikuube in an event organised by oil exploration firm CNOOC to share on the available opportunities, said companies in the extraction cannot deal with individuals.

"Some of you are complaining that you don't get contracts, but ask yourself, can you meet the demand?" he said.

"Companies don't deal with individuals, so people with small companies, it's time you go for joint venture and you will get the contracts, or else you will remain being sub-contracted and this comes with limited money because you are under another company."

Eric Jumba, the national content manager at CNOOC said, they are not about failing local companies from supplying them, but they can never compromise with quality just because they want local companies to benefit.

"Let me tell you people, we deal with big numbers. For instance, in Buhuka Kingfisher we have over 2,000 staff, our colleagues Total in Tilenga Buliisa have about 7,000," he said.

"Imagine if they are served with bad food, they will get stomach complications due to food poisoning and work will stall."

According to the National Content Regulation 2016, there are 16 businesses and job opportunities ringfenced for Ugandan companies.

They include transport, security, foods and beverages, hotel accomodations and catering, human resources management, office supplies, fuel supply.

The others are land surveying, clearing and forwarding, crane hire, locally available construction materials, civil works, supply of locally available drilling and production materials.

Also not limited to Ugandans are environmental studies and impact assessment, communication and information technology services and waste management where possible.

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