Cheers as Kadaga, Namuganza bury hatchet in Busoga

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Cheers as Kadaga, Namuganza bury hatchet in Busoga
Kadaga and Namuganza shared a dais for the first time in years | Teven Kibumba

Kamuli District Woman MP and Busoga's political linchpin Rebecca Kadaga and Namutumba iron lady Persis Namuganza had not seen eye to eye in a long while

NAMUTUMBA | Excitement filled the air as two former political rivals within Busoga subregion smiled at each other while sharing a tent during a function at Ivukula subcounty headquarters.

First Deputy Prime Minister Rebecca Kadaga and State minister for Urban Development Persis Namuganza for the first time after in nearly a decade shared eye contact and shook hands while cracking jokes amidst cheers from the crowd that attended the official launch of 41 tourism sites.

Ms Namuganza took sides with the late Jacob Oulanyah and current Speaker Anita Among to oust Kamuli Woman MP Kadaga from the Speaker's Chambers.

The two had fallen out when Ms Kadaga, as Speaker of Parliament and political linchpin in Busoga, installed a parallel head of the Nkono chiefdom in Namutumba against that who was loyal to Namuganza.

But Bukono County MP Namuganza was sensationally censured in January last year for "attacking the institution of Parliament and the person of the Speaker" for comments she made.

However, the hatchet appeared to have been buried with two politicians grinning broadly and leaving no imagination to the mended fences.

According to some political analysts, Busoga subregion had missed out on several investment opportunities being set up in the area as a result of the wrangles between the two leaders.

Some investors would shy away from setting up business projects that would benefit the people of Busoga just because the two leaders are engrossed in wrangles as each would discourage the investors from pitching camp in the area.

A top reliable political source within Busoga, who preferred anonymity, said President Museveni while meeting leaders from the region recently asked them to unite to benefit from government projects.

Museveni reportedly told the two leaders that their wrangles was one of the major factors that had caused the NRM party to lose in the 2021 general elections.

Hellena Namutamba (left) joined Rebecca Kadaga and Persis Namuganza in Namutumba at the weekend

Present at the launch of the 41 sites was the Minister for Tourism for Busoga kingdom Hellen Namutamba, Namutumba District Chairman David Kalulu and Resident District Commissioner Thomas Matende.

The crowd was treated to various live musical performances by top Busoga artists, comedians like Swengere, among others.

During the launch, Ms Kadaga said leaders of Busoga chiefdom were moving around identifying sites that are suitable to become tourist sites and create employment to youths.

She said Busoga is endowed with beautiful sites that can attract tourists for viewing besides providing accommodation to visitors.

Kadaga said the sites are so unique that it's very rare to be found in any part of the world.

Minister Namuganza said introduction of the new tourism sites will help create employment opportunities to locals in Busoga sub region who will be able to sell their produce like sweet potatoes to visitors who would have paid a visit to the area.

She urged locals to fully support the project to ensure it becomes a success.

Ms Namutamba hailed President Museveni for his dedicated efforts towards promoting tourism in Busoga subregion.

Namutamba said the new sites will help spur development in the area besides creating new employment opportunities for youth to improve on their household incomes.

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