Police hunting school patron for ‘sodomising’ primary three pupil

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A school patron called Joash Ssali wanted for aggravated defilement and sodomy is on the run. Ssali is wanted by Rwenzori West and Fort Poral East Police for allegedly defiling a primary three pupil.

Facts gathered indicate that the primary three concerned pupil, at Kasisi Day and boarding primary school, narrated his ordeal to his mother, after he told her that the patron was making sexual advances to him and also molesting two other children respectively.

According to police spokesperson Fred Enanga, the mother informed the headteacher who reported the matter to police.

Enanga adds that the three victims were subjected to medical tests where one was found positive.

“All the three victims were identified by a medical officer and one of the three victims, was found positive. The victim and two others are already traumatised and are undergoing pyscho-social support,” Enanga said.

It was further established that Ssali, 37, a resident of Gezi village, Misindika warrd, Kyenjojo Town Council, Kyenjojo District, sexually molested the victim while in the dormitory.

Following the development, Enanga thanked the headteacher for acting swiftly to report the report the matter to police.

He added that efforts are now in place, to trace for the suspect and bring him to book, after he escaped from the school and is at large.

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