Gov’t injects shs 200 billion for rehabilitation of Tororo - Gulu metre gauge railway

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The Government through the Ministry of Works and Transport has injected Shs 199.9 billion for rehabilitation of Tororo - Gulu metre gauge railway.

This was revealed as Uganda Railways Corporation (URC), the implementing agency signed a contract with China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRC) to rehabilitate the Tororo to Gulu section of the metre gauge railway line.

Chinese officials signing the contract

The 375-kilometre railway line traverses through Mbale, Soroti, Lira before terminating at the Gulu Logistics Hub (GLH).

The Hub is designed to facilitate transportation, collection, separation, consolidation and distribution of goods for national and international transit on a commercial basis. 

Speaking to the Nile Post shortly after signing the contract, the acting Managing Director of URC, David Bulega Musoke said the rehabilitation works for the Tororo - Gulu line will take a period of 2 years.

Officials from URC signing the contract

“The works are fully funded by the government of Uganda at Shs. 199.9 billion as part of the efforts to increase the stock and quality of strategic infrastructure to accelerate Uganda's competitiveness and create the integrated transport infrastructure and services in the country,” the authority said.

The scope of the project include drainage improvement ( construction of new culverts and lining of side drains).

Earthworks, relocation of utilities, rehabilitation of 5 steel girder bridges, railway track relaying works (including ballasting), supply of new railway track materials, refurbishment of existing railway track materials, construction of level crossings including signage (concrete and gravel). 

Musoke also said that the corporation is going to install road barriers at each and every level crossing to prevent the increasing accidents along the railways.

“We are going to engage level crossing guards to assist in managing those spots. The major issue is for all road users to be watchful whenever they are approaching the level crossing. We have started but the grand plan is taking us almost a year,” he said.

“Our call to the public is to be mindful of the level crossings. At each and every level crossing there are road signs to warn motorists that they are approaching a railway line,” he added.

The country manager of China Road and Bridge Corporation, Dai Dexin believes that after rehabilitation, this will ease transpiration of goods.

“We chose the projects which will meet the development and requirements of the status development of the country. We think it is very necessary at this moment, to connect the northern corridor especially when you have this Logistics Hub in Gulu and it can serve both Railway and the roads at the same time,” he said.

He said that the project will not only help in decongesting the roads but also ensure safety and efficiency.

Chairman board of directors at URC, Abdallatif Dhakaba Wangubo thanked the government for having committed funds to get the line revamped.

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