Two hour power black out at Parliament leaves MPs stranded in lifts

On Thursday morning, work came to a stand still at Parliament as a result of the power black that lasted for almost two hours.

The committees that were supposed to start at 10am had to wait as public address systems were off and no recording of the proceedings could be made. 

Even the committee rooms were in darkness forcing a majority of the legislators and witnesses to loiter in the corridors and some on the steps of Parliament, waiting for the power to come back. 

Some of the MPs, witnesses and staff of Parliament got stranded in the six lifts at Parliament for almost one hour leading them to bang the doors of the lifts asking for help.

Parliament’s standby generator that is usually on hand for such emergencies failed to turn on, leading legislators to wonder what was going on.

Security and the medical team remained on alert and standby for any eventuality that could happen with the power black out at Parliament.

This is the first time to have power black out at Parliament and with the generator failing to start on time.

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