How has the pandemic shaped your perception on work?


One thing about pandemics is that they come with social changes that end up living with us forever. Social changes that become a new way of life or doing things.

One of these impacted aspects of our social life that have been affected is our work life. Work as we know it is surely going to transform and like with all changes many are going to get affected.

I can already feel the impact of the changes, as never before have I received as many job inquiries as I have during this period.

Truth is many have lost jobs and we shall see more job losses than creations going forward. That's my prediction. If your employer has sailed through this time whilst having you stay home doing close to nothing then start thinking had.

The pandemic has forced businesses to change how they do things and some of these changes have come with great results to businesses to the disadvantage of many workers.

There's nothing to do though, change is here and it's here to stay so those who can quickly adapt will be served well. Those who can't will die out.

The cheese has moved for those who read who moved my cheese by Spencer Johnson. So you either move to a new cheese station or stick around waiting for cheese that will never come back.

It's now the time to look for new opportunities, learn new skills that will enable you remain relevant in the big scheme of things.

If you are a driver you are better off looking for someone with a car they don't use that much and ask them to give it to you so you can make some money and share the proceeds with them than trying to find a driving job.

If your a camera guy your better off looking for a person with equipment and seeing how you work with them to make money and get a share for yourself than looking for a studio looking to hire a camera guy. Walk to producer and offer to sell their products for a commission, it's much easier than looking for sales job.

Be an entrepreneurial worker in this entrepreneurial world. Work as we know it has changed and become much harder. Businesses have realised they can do without half the people they thought they needed to hire to run.

They can do with out 60% of the work space they thought they needed to be able to run, hence many will go lean.

Cost reduction on fixed expenses like rent and wages has become one of the top priorities after the pandemic forced many businesses to work with half their labour force and also with half the space they had originally set out as work/office space.

The realisation it's actually possible is going to have many change how they do things.

If I had 50 employees before the pandemic and worked with just 20 of them through and post the pandemic why would have I have to bring back the other 30 employees?

Why would I pay for space for 50 workers when I've figured out how to get 20 workers to deliver at the same level?

Why should I keep renting expensive office space in town if I can find something thrice cheaper outside town and do deliveries taking full advantage of the internet to sell.

That's what is going through most business owners' heads and that surely going to affect how they do business going forward. It won't remain business as usual.

A lot is going to change about how we work and the change is going to come with loss of jobs/livelihoods for many and even change of career in a bid to stay relevant in the work space.

My question to you is: have you positioned yourself well for the new changes and the new future of the work space?

Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer and Business Columnist with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant at YOUNG TREP East Africa's No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.


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