Mubajje urges regional Muslim leaders to conduct regular meetings

The Mufti of Uganda Sheikh Shaban Ramadhan Mubajje has re-emphasized his directive to the regional kadhis to conduct regular meetings in their areas of jurisdiction to enhance service delivery.

He made the plea at the regional kadhis meeting at Uganda Muslim Supreme Council headquarters on February 4.

He said leadership is difficult if a leader doesn’t engage with followers. Equally, followers won’t get what they need if they don’t engage with their leader.

"Meetings are  great for building supportive relationships – team  giving team members a place to help each other and offer their support. They’re vital for learning about our colleagues’ motivations, fears, hopes, troubles. 55% of any communication is conveyed through nonverbal means , and face-time is the only way you can read it," he said.

He said meetings provide people with a ‘safe’ environment.

"They play a vital role in leadership. The team leader uses team meetings to rally the troops, clarify the mission, and everybody’s part in it," he said.

He said that he was overwhelmed by Muslims support to the newly created regional structures which was evident in the big numbers that graced regional kadhis inaugural ceremonies in different parts of the country.

Mubajje said that the expectations of the people will be achieved by delivering services to them and the best tool is to have regular meetings to formulate policies and strategies for development.

He called upon regional kadhis to allocate sites to UMSC headquarters for the construction of regional offices.

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