How to Preserve Your Milk This Easter Season

The Easter holiday is here and It’s likely that you will not want to move out of the house to keep buying small quantities of different items everyday.

One way to avoid this is to understand how best you can store these to see you through the long holiday.

One of the things that go bad and spoil the moment is milk. Some families buy it for cereals as quick foods or for a special moment like when watching your favourite movie but most take it for breakfast or dinner or a filler in the day.

Here is how you can preserve your milk.

Expiry Date:

One thing people never pay attention to is the date before use. They assume that whatever they buy is best for use only to be shocked when it goes bad.

Ensure that the date is good to take you throughout the longest period you need.

Do not place it in a refrigerator:

Milk is supposed to be stored in temperatures between 2ºc and 10ºc when not opened. If opened, do not store in refrigerator or in the refrigerator doors. Instead, you should store all your dairy products on a lower or middle shelf , this is the best place for milk.

Boil it:

If you do not have a refrigerator, boil it the moment you get home and keep in a clean container. Boiling kills bacterias that make it go bad. Remember to keep milk containers closed and stored away from strong-smelling food items in the fridge—the milk can pick up these odours.

With these few tips, you can enjoy the freshness of your milk this Easter.

Article sponsored by JESA Dairy Farm


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