Breastfeeding: Separating fact from fiction

Mable Twegumye Zake's #BitsOfMe&You

Bits of ME

Is it painful? I asked, “No”, my sister Liz blushingly responded.

Are you sure it doesn’t pain at all?

I probed curiously, my eyes glued on the little fingers that grudgingly squeezed at its mother’s breast.

The pink tiny mouth had enveloped the whole nipple, with a little push using her left hand, this baby was in control and wouldn’t let go until its choosing.

“No it doesn’t, may be a little ticklish but after awhile it becomes normal. Unless if he bites you but that rarely happens, you’ll experience it when you have your own one day...” Liz explained dropping the last line.

When I have my own...!

My first time, my options were thin; little angel couldn’t breastfeed well, for she was critical.

She later left ‘us’ to meet the angels, and the trial thus-far, I will share that ‘Bits of me’ for another day, but when her brother arrived, I breastfed him for two years.

Ohh boy, he was a guzzler…

I weaned him off only when the milk tank was empty. Was that the right action?

The questions about breastfeeding are always a bulk, yet for a baby, it is as effortless  as the bond to their mother.

Bits of YOU

“Will the milk be enough?  Will I be able to handle?”

It is an experience that has teased quite a number.

Renowned Paediatrician Dr.  Sabrina Kitaka said that personally, it was humbling, especially when the baby was able to latch well.

"I was rather concerned about exposing my breast in public especially when the baby's demands to feed happened to be in a public place," Dr. Kitaka revealed.

Joyce Bagala Ntwatwa, District Woman MP, Mityana emphasized, breastfeeding is normal, healthy and should not make any mother guilty.

"Once in a while I would breastfeed in public…feel free to breastfeed as long as you're in a hygienic and peaceful environment," she said.

She advocates for public offices to provide breastfeeding centres for lactating mothers because breastfeeding is very crucial in Early Childhood Development.

Unfortunately, the myths about breastfeeding still linger.

Will you handle exclusive breastfeeding? Will your breasts fatten or sag and you lose your awesome cleavage?

Most of it all is aided by peer pressure.

Personally, I didn’t even have to exercise, as the breastmilk reduced, my breasts would also be adjusting back to their size.

Breastfeeding is best for the baby and breast milk is the first vaccine.

Fathers should be enablers to breastfeeding mothers through attending breast feeding classes, burp the baby, buy nutritious food for the mother, and always remind, encourage and support mum to breastfeed effectively.

It is a shared responsibility


HADIJAH NAMANDA- Sports Personality and Former President UVF

With Tendo, I was a first time mother, it took me about three days to get milk.  By regularly putting them on the breast, milk started flowing.  It was the same experience with Kirabo, they're 2½ years apart.

At one year when they started talking, they would request to breastfeed individually.

One time at a wedding function, I had to untie my Gomesi to breastfeed Tendo (1½). Elderly women thanked me for continually breastfeeding since today many women don't want to do it.

FAUZIAH NAKIBONEKA- Ugandan Actress and the Ebonies Leading lady

The first week of breastfeeding was a little painful but I carried on until it wasn’t anymore, I knew how the benefits were important for my baby.

I breastfed my first born until one year and when my busy schedule couldn’t let, I felt so bad.

Aside from eating a healthy diet, Dr.  Paul Kasenene of Wellness Care recommends the following for increasing Breast milk production.

  • Mothers should always be hydrated for enough fluids in the body, warm water is very good.
  • To be in a state and have relaxation and adequate rest. Napping is good
  • Have the baby breastfeed regularly; mother with little breast milk should put baby to breast more frequently rather than looking for supplementation.
  • Grains like, Oats, millet for porridge
  • Don’t put a lot of sugar/milk/honey into millet porridge because it leads to excessive calories leading to weight gain.
  • Herbs like Fenugreek and fennel have shown to have impact on breast milk production. They're in form of teas.
  • Spices like ginger and garlic are also recommended.

Orange foods like carrots, orange sweet potatoes and pumpkins also increase breast milk

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